Thursday, June 30, 2011

Down to 1 local collegue *sad*

There are 2 other local collegues. We have gotten quite close, cos we all in the same boat. Work was more bearable, we could chat and hide out in the preparation room with privacy. Today is the last day of the home economic local collegue. I often hang with her after school dismissal and we often chat, I watch her make those cakes and ask for some baking advice. Would miss her terribly... And the privacy of the prep room. Signs... I will be quite anti-social cos make small talk with other collegues is too difficult to maintain beyond 5 mins. Lack of topic, common interest etc. More tired to make small talk than just do my own stuff. As it is already with the teaching load plus homeroom zhu bo n the long school term, already feels like things never ends... This will make it even worse. Have to provide n find something.

My other local collegue is part-time. So after 3-3.30pm, I have no one else to chat with... Not that I am anti-social, but cos of their contracts of 2-3 years max, so every year, there's people leaving, new people coming in. In about 2 years, the people whom u've gotten to know well n work well with are gone... It's kinda tiring to try to make so many 'new' collegue-friends so many times, after a while. So I kinda cold this year to the new bunch o people cos I only work with a couple or so out of the ten.

I am starting my gym again gradually, trying to look thru recruits. So many balls to juggle without breaking them...

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