Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Too many are playing me... sigh


By this point, maybe cos into the final weeks of the academic year, I've come to realize too many students are playful n cheeky around me in a non-class time, in a personal capacity.

In the home room, some would tell me something strange? See my reaction... Or I show them a puzzled face when they do something weird.

During cleaning, a couple of students from another class, would come into the rooms I am in charge of and hang around. Then when I see them, gotta shoo them out. Again I haven't resorted to Krav Maga. tempted to Muay Thai their asses at times. Then some of their female classmates watch on in amusement...

Got a group of boys would salute and greet me as Boss for many months. Until just this week, started using my name instead of Boss but now got one like to run ahead of me while I am going down the stairs to block my way for the fun. Obviously I never resort to Krav Maga push kick lah, but he would block and then after I try a few times to walk thru, lemme thru... Say goodbye to me. How to get angry at this...

These are the more frequent ones besides others. But too many does leave me drained.

Like how I wore a sleeveless collared V-neck cos got outside speakers and my job was to take pics, later got a student say that I was cool cos I've got muscles... Peng san.

Seriously I do notice that many noticed my muscular arms... I thought they were getting more muscular cos of more weight loss, cos looked a bit leaner. My exercise pants got even looser. True enough when I weighed myself, I was 1kg lighter.

But given the current intensity of the Krav Maga lessons, cos they kinda refocused on basics and a lot of core muscles conditioning like planks, push-ups, sit-ups kicks and funny higher level stuff. Did something like Muay Thai training, someone whacks ur stomach after u finished a sit-up, so u gotta contract ur stomach all the time. Push-up, push off the floor then clap.

Bleah... Intense and tiring yet surprisingly, I could do them. So what does that say about my level of fitness. So what more about the types of muscle strength and endurance. Coupled with weight loss, so definitely muscles become more pronounced.

Plus they really sua-gu cos in their culture, no such thing I guess and the rest of the colleagues are in the much older category, married and serious type. I thought only I had a set of working clothes uniform, theirs is more power than mine. Even in the wok trip, can wear back the exact same stuff. No wonder students kinda noticed when I was one of the few who wore different clothes.

Even the younger ones are kinda the same pattern. Like very one-dimensional. It's not that I am being biased. But their conversations and kinds of joke are things I don't get... Plus it's easier not to miss them when they leave.

My students know more about me in a personal capacity than most colleagues. Though I don't know as much about all of them. But I can see more this year from their writing, time in the classroom when we chat once a while and the daily lesson thingy. But kinda sad when they leave or I won't follow them up. Hmm will umake my farewell present for them like I did for the other year.

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