Monday, November 29, 2004


Another first, staff dinner. Actually I had encountered D&D in two of the banks I worked with. The first one allowed temps to go but felt pointless so didnt go. The other was not open to temps/interns so didnt go. Just joined then also. Oh well, the dinner theme was Batik. I was wondering out loud earlier why wasnt it Gothic. I would have rather dressed gothically than batikically. Hence in the prior two weeks before, had to look for something batik to wear. Borrowed a batik scarf from Candle and managed to buy this super cheap batik sarong for $5. Problem solved!

Today I played Gunbound until six plus then I got ready for the dinner. Okay so I wear my ladies sandals, my black sleeveless top, my three piece metallic choker, a scarf and my sarong. Hmm think that will do. Okay all this happened in my brain while I was dressing. The look seems okay...

ONLY that I cant frigin wear the sarong properly!!!!!! I had neglected to address this potential problem earlier... Man, i cant seem to keep it tied neatly or stay properly. Kept tying and re-tying for 20 mins! Its seven already. Shoot, not enough time for taking bus, still have fifteen mins to try to wear sarong. $#^*

Ingenuity strucked me and I came up with a solution. Guess what it is?

No... I didnt use safety pin to pin it up.

No... I didnt wear it on my head as a turban though I thot of that but was put off cos I dunno how to tie turban.

No... I didnt use Candle's scarf as a bandana and go there dressed as a hippie, though I was sorely tempted cos just wear a top and jeans under....

The answer: A belt.

Okay, who ever wears a sarong with a belt? For the record, me. Yes and I am proud of it. So I struggled to get the front looking neat and belted the sarong. The belt I used is the sliding lock type. Then I hid the belt and the sarong top under my top. Perfect! Luckily got it ready in time. Hop onto a cab and headed there. Chatted with the taxi uncle and told him abt batik theme. He commented nice esp if got figure??? Huh? (Okay I just gel a bit of my hair and no make-up, not to mention the belt and even wearing something underneathe the sarong....) Oh well. Arrived there and when I reached the place, hear the "wah..." There were some collegues waiting at the door. So signed in and went to my table. My mentor commented nice... (Really....sign)

Heard the other trainee comment. "I didnt expect u to come in a skirt"
"This is not considered a skirt" (if u knew how I wore it, its not a skirt lor)

"Didnt know that u can look so femine, nice choker"
"... oh so how is your day"

"Did u wear something inside the sarong?"
"Yes, jeans" (my three quarter jeans)

"U look very good, the sarong is too, nice scarf."
"Err thanks." (if u knew how much or should I say how little effort I took to get it ready...)

Then later a collegue came with entire bareback gown. Even I joined in the cat calls. Dinner commenced and got table prize for games - weighing scales! Just great, I got two at home so now I have another... Collegues joked that put one in bathroom, one in kitchen and one in living room. At the end, my mentor came and he wanted to exchange for hair dryer he won. He didnt mind, I didnt mind. Hence exchange. Commented nice again. So my conclusion is that I can dress but I just dun, and also provided I have all the necessary pieces in my inventory. Cos I am not those who goes shopping specially for something. Just take what I have and wear type. I think the fact that during the past ten weeks, I wore track pants, T-shirt and running shoes everyday except for two - my first day and the concert. Hence the visual impact is there. Cos the reference is only that style only. I think among ALL my Friends too. Makes me feel like an alien.

And that is the end of batik sarong episode.

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