Tuesday, May 06, 2008


After two rounds of karaoking with my sisters, I noted a few stuff.

First I really dun know that many chinese songs, those few that I know was cos I heard them from my sisters. Given PartyWorld is mainly catering to Chinese songs, they really have many many new C-songs.

Secondly I listen alot to radio nowadays cos I have to spend more than an hour to and fro from work everyday. So I know a fair bit of new english songs. Problem is, PartyWorld dun exactly stock up many new English songs, songs by bands etc. Hence limited again.

Thirdly, even after 4.5years of Jap, I still cant read fast enuff for fast songs. Slower songs still can, provided I know the song beforehand. Yay, can sing 'I for you' by Luna Sea and a few other slow songs. Nice or not, is another question. Even those J-artistes that I like, also dun have that many songs. A few, even those may not be the songs I liked. Oh well, I better go and listen to those Jap cds that I have, so can go there and sing faster Jap songs.

A fellow BT like moi was commenting to me that she felt rather drained though she was still relatively 'new' like moi. Welcome to the club... Sometimes you are so drained, you just dun want to give anymore. Like is empty inside and nothing more to give. Guess I wasnt the only one feeling this way.

Sometimes it just like a resource-building game. You have to deploy your limited resources to achieve whatever targets. Yet if one couldnt deploy properly, spread too thin, face defeat across the board. Plus if deploy more in one area, means likewise less in one area. Cos supply is limited! Cannot expect full returns across everything just because deploy for everything. Not sure if this perception is put into teacher's training or mgt training. It would help though, especially with mgt planning of such issues that would have a huge impact on teachers workload besides academic and subsequently on the personal job satisfaction levels, fatique levels, work-life balance levels and more. Perhaps more needs to be done than just raising a bit of the pay and performance bonus.

Other stuffs,

Got more games but like no time to play everything leh...

Btw, I introd my sister to Patapon and she was hooked. She pia for one day (play from 5pm til 11pm) and about reached my current stage... Yar she has those Kibapons too (horse-riding patapon) Then she stopped. Guess waiting for the next weekend to continue playing.

Nothing else much happening in my life. Leading a dull life as one would put it. Cant wait for the Thailand trip to spice it up. Am getting alcohol orders from my family. Anyone not using the alcohol quota, (candle, I am booking your alcohol quota)anyone dun need, can gimme gimme. Need to buy 1 wine, 2-3 spirits (If DOM is counted as a spirit, err anyone knows?)

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