Thursday, June 26, 2008

God its Hell...

Work is hell.

Suffering from acute work-blues and holiday withdrawal symptom. Been so blue, I can sing Blue da da dee

Mostly due to unmotivated self.
Not used to the changes to my current work, adjusting

Partly from lack of sleep due to Dad.
Partly from lack of sleep/irritation from internet episode (below)
Partly from adjustment in body clock.

Partly from fatique from travelling a long journey, with a mp3 player that is flat.

3-4 days without internet is Hell too!

My max online, ultimate means 1Gps connection fell to neligible snail speeds for the past 2 weeks and fell to nil for the past 3 days. It means I am paying quite a lot but cant even open a webpage. Calling the help desk, through talking with the officers trying to trouble shoot.

Day 1- Tue, on my way home from work, I bought a new 2-way connection, $14 which didnt solve the problem. One day without internet. Over the phone, the officer said the tv cable is only recommended to 2m, mine was 15m... Had an earlier post where I gone through a lot of trouble to buy the cable, fix it up and hang it above the walls until it reached the computer table from the door... Then the guy who fixed up last time failed to mention which cable that could be 15m. I understood it as the tv cable, but it seems to be the ethernet cable instead. OMG!

Day 2- Wed, bought a 15m ethernet cable which turned out to be a 15m phone cable! And I went through the trouble fixing it up, hanging it all around and above the wall. OMFG!!! I was sweating horribly and in a terribly foul mood (cos I went to get a shorter tv cable on my way from work. Then without resting, went about to fix things. Imagine the tiredness, FISH it man.) Argh! Fixed up the modem nearer to the tv, so that its not 15m away connected by tv cable. Used the newly bought but shorter tv cable at the 2-way split. BUT it didnt work! OMG!.

Day 3- Used my laptop near the tv this morning, it can work. Today resolved to ask for refund or replacement for the short faulty cable, plus get a 15m long ethernet cable! Got it on my way home after work. This time double checked with my laptop set up near the tv, fixed up the tv cable and 15m ethernet cable, all working. Plus set up the router near the tv also. Once verified working, set about with my sister's help to pull the ethernet cable around and on the wall. After all the hard work and irritation, frustration, anger, finally it worked!

For the past 3-4 days, its pure frustration and irritation. I had to buy the stuff after work, in the evening, on my way back home, meaning instead of getting down at my normal stop and walking straight home in a zombified mode, I had to get down at a further stop, walk to the shop, buy it, walk a longer route home. Then almost immediately spend about half hr to 1hr fixing things up. Sweating cos the weather's been really hot. Then spend some time fuming when it didnt work, spend time calling up Starhub only to have nobody pick up the phone. And they have to cheek to tell me their customer care is 24/7. How am I supposed to fax when I dun have a fax machine or send an email, when I dun have internet access at all? Then in irritation realized its 11 or 12am already, tried going to bed only to have another episode of my Dad and his bloody loud tv. I didnt sleep until he slept.

I am just very relieved that everything is working now. At least can have a venue to vent. Can go online to do something relaxing at night and even in the mornings when I am up.

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