Monday, June 30, 2008

Nothing much else happening except lots of pain

Yar today is a totemo, ultra BAD day.

Had stomach pains and a bit of diahoria the night before.
This morning, woke up with really bad pain and went to the loo.
But pain still there.
So suffered persistent pain, went again, still pain.

Later an hour later, I decided to go to work instead of mc.
Cos got work to prepare and do.
I bought my 4D and ate my lunch of porridge.
Immediate after, almost doubled over from the stomache.
Walked slowly to take the train and continue on my way.
Went straight to the loo again.
Still got pain... severely regretted not taking mc.

Later my other problem started...
the hot weather plus cold aircon...
until I almost vomitted out.

Today is relatively light compared to other days.
Got out once its over.
Very stoned on the bus ride.
Now feeling much better.

Tom is a long day.
Cant wait for the week to end, weekends, I MISS YOU!

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