Sunday, February 07, 2010

Shitty Dream

On Friday night, I had a shitty dream, literally.

For one who hardly dreams when sleeping, even when it happens, the number of times can be counted within 2 hands.

Yet, on the rare occasion it happened, friday evening/ wee hours of sat morning, one might expect something more decent... Maybe meeting a shuai ge in the dream, going on an adventure, being rich and mighty... anything but Shit?

I woke up from a very short 'nightmare'. There is only 1 scene.

The public toilet.

And I needed to use the toilet urgently but go into first cubicle, got shit. Dunno how some of the shit actually landed on my shoes, gross!

Then head to next cubicle, more Shit and damn smelly. Basically the stench of shit.

I ran down into the next 1-2 remaining cubicles to find more shit littering the place, and the Smell...

And the next thing I woke up.

I noticed a GREAT STENCH of SHIT and it was very very very bad. Huh? I didnt shit my pants or anything. It was very dark still. I was still in disgust from all the shit experience in the dream. Tried to go back to sleep with a bolster over my nose, to block out the stench but cant breathe... So the REAL stench kept me awake. Then I heard a bit like humming sound, checked the time, it was 5.30am. Suspected is those sewage sucking machine.

Man, after another 5mins of ordeal, suddenly I smelt fresh air. Then tried to go back to sleep. Telling myself that I should have a 101 things to dream about and No More SHIT.

I am surprised that my dream is actually linked with reality. I smelt the shit stench and then dreamt out a scenario with the shit stench incorporated inside.

Maybe I should go look at some shuai ge pics b4 I sleep? Maybe can dream of them *wishfully thinking*

Its kinda rare that I remember my dreams cos they are so few and rare. But this one being only 1 scene is easily recalled. Literally a SHIT dream that is full of shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

talk about the absurdity of it all =D

Either it means you are wallowing in shit or in cash (in another "form")