Sunday, June 19, 2005


Today marks the start of a new course that I am taking up, Hip Hop, courtesy of the many courses available at Clubfit. I signed up for this mainly to do something interesting and also train up my stupid elephantine legs how to move in a cool manner. The ultimate goal is to be confident enough to do a cool dance besides the 'hand-at-the-waistlevel-and-move-left-and-right' dance like in Hitch. Its $80 for 12 lessons, every Sunday.

I dragged myself out of bed and made my way down to the dance studio. The instructor is younger than most of the participants. M is 19, going into NUS, has 3 years of hip hop experience. So began one hour of hip hop. I must admit she is a good instructor cos her instructions are easy to comprehend. So maybe in one part, there are 3 actions involved, she would break them into individual steps and go through one by one. Then combine all 3 together. Then add on more steps.

At first I was conscious of myself but after a while I stopped thinking so much and enjoyed myself. So far learnt 2 routines, each one 8 beats. Actually hip hop have to do fast so it looks cooler but now still-in-progress. But I can remember and execute the sequences. Just the looping of the 2 routines part I still have to work on. Hmm look forward to more routines.

Incidentally I also want to sign up for this electric guitar course. Already checked out the price, timing. Just need to call and register and pay. Its at the Yamaha school in PS. Hope to see it through also til the very end, which is like 2 years. Then master guitar. Yep, add more 'coolness' to my already frozen image.... Oh well...

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