Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Camp Fire Burning Now....

Today I couldnt go anywhere cos had to turn up for the campfire for students at seven. Hence I lazed around until then. Didnt take long as I woke up around 1pm (let all envy me..hahah) Well listening to the cheers and watching the performance, it reminded me of the time, so long long ago when I was an innocent student, doing all of that during orientation and camps. Even remembered some of the cheers and camp fire songs.

S__U__P__E___R, Super that's what we are

B__O__R__E___D, Bored that's what I am

S__U__P__E__R__B__O__R__E__D, super bored yeaHHHHHHH!!!!!

Get the picture. Cos we are just the audience. Not participating much, just watching the kids enjoy themselves, and feeling old when you remembered how you tried all those cheers and camp life before. My ex-mentor stayed over and told me that the flying fox was the coolest. The line was sagging so before you slide down, you drop down first, stop with a huge jerk cos its a long drop and then slide all the way down 5 storeys. Wow! Man, didnt have a chance to do that cos I didnt have to stay over.... The kids seemed to have throughly enjoyed themselves. Though can expect them to do all those cheers in class.

Scene 1

"Very good class." Teacher said to class.
"Excellent." Class replied.

Scene 2

"Very good class."Teacher said to class.
"Steady Steady Pom Pi Pi.... Pi Pi Pom Steady" Class echoed.

It seems every educator there expects this scenario after the holidays. I'll see if I got any relief class to the p5.

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