Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Super Weight Loss Regime!

Ladies, if you have any weight issue that is troubling you. The ultimate weight loss regime with almost immediate results- teach.

Its just 1.5 weeks into practicum and today I weighed myself after a bread and a drink (late late lunch) and I've lost 3kg! Wow talk about almost immediate results! I couldnt believe it also, especially since I ate just before weighing. Oh well, u also can earn a livlihood and your voice gets louder and clearer.

Think the factor is the much reduced food intake. I dun really take breakfast b4 going to work. Then after first slot of lesson, eat a slice of bread and coffee. Then after school, take another bread or bits of rice or not eat until I go home. Dabao noodles for late lunch then later dinner is a few mouthful of rice as I am not hungry. Hmm just not hungry... and not to mention sometimes want to eat but things props up unexpectedly or I just want to finish asap and get out and not waste any time eating at the canteen. Rather eat outside and go home quickly.

On a light note, my Maple character is reaching lvl 60 real soon. Then change clothes again. Will show ya when that happens. Now I am not a meso millionaire anymore. I bought a weapon for 3.7m meso and am now bankrupt. Had to borrow some meso from sister to buy hp and mp pots. *Sob sob snivel snivel*

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