Friday, September 24, 2010

Hate last min crap

My counterpart is having away on leave due to sick young child then later husband also sick. Then got quite a few things to help her out. Tell head why she gone, explain to collegues who ask abt her absence, then she got some outstanding stuff that I had to ask on her behalf and stuff, it's really duh. I understand her situation but I feel though she thought the task of telling, asking is simple, when it comes down to that, it's not. Have to locate the person first, then talk abt the issue Nd pass words around. Bah! Just this once.

Guess it was actually okay if that was THE only thing that cropped up. Was asking for FH's help with regards to the insurance. Then I spent some of my free periods coming up with a speaking script for the level, so nothing pending. So last night I made 2 different batch of alcoholic chocs. It's for the collegues cos I only gave to 3 the other time I finished making for Candle. So decided to make for them, plus I still needed to iron out the recipe forthe filling and also the technique for coating the choc. This time, I rolled in an entire cashew nut in the middle of the choc then coat it. Again, problems can still arise...

So after dismissal, I was about to go back to continuing the coating, when another collegue asked if I have another speaking activity for mon's 1st period lesson. Walao! This week, I was assigned to go to other classes, don't know where the class was at, how to think? Plus my brain already switch off. I looked at the ALT website where some stuff are shared but really after all the stuff, I can't process anymore. After a while, I just told her irritably that, I can't think of any off-hand, no inspiration, plus am not looking through the website cos I gave her the add already. I was quite irritated again. This type of last minute stuff, maybe in the past, we had overcome cos can find stuff but not everytime like this. Guess my frowning face and knitted eyebrows sent the message across, and she said that she would do it. I finished up by emailing the other collegue some feedback about her suggested activity from the head whom she wanted me to show and ask, since she wasn't here, and head back to coating the chocs. But feeling quite sian already.

Cos made 2 batches so many many choc to coat. The coating took another 2 hrs. Unless I am dying to eat very alcoholic chocs, this IS the last time making for now! My right shoulder is quite sore cos keep having to keep hand lifted while doing the coating and now it's still is, later going to paste plaster. Kept them all in the freezer, until Mon. This time one is still 100ml and the other is 150ml of alcohol. Obviously 2 different alcohols used.

My another collegue was making an I-phone cake and it looks really good. Must show when she puts up the pic in her facebook. It's impressive and very novel!

I feel better after ranting on this blog. So all the sampling of the chocs n irritation n time taken meant I didn't go to gym... Rather stay home. Catch up on sleep sounds good.

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