Monday, September 27, 2010

Finalized recipe for liquer chocs

Today after dismissal, I took out the 2 batches of alcoholic chocs -Gin and Caramel Baileys from the fridge for collegues. It's made for them and I used good ingredients. I made the 2 batches with diff amt of alcohol added, also diff filling choc. The rest are the same. Also the diff in method compared to Candle's batch was the nut was rolled in the middle of the choc truffle. It did present a prob during the coating cos the nut prevented the toothpick to poke in deep enough to hold the core firmly while coating. Note to self, nuts outside are easier to coat and more visually appealing.

Gradually collegues came over to eat. About 2/3 left after half hr. Each plate had abtslightly more than 30. Many had meeting of sort, then it's time for me to knock off. Brought back about 4 white and 10 dark. Personally I prefered the white coated Gin ones cos th proportion seems food and the taste is balanced. The dark coated Caramel Baileys seems to be too much of Baileys that it covers the taste of chocolate. Yes the baileys batch was th one with quite extra alcohol. Think I am FINALLY finalized every aspect of it and won't be making anymore this year. Time to move onto others.

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