Saturday, April 16, 2011

Active Friday

Yesterday, after work, met up with Tab to continue on the previously failed attempt to go bowling on this "Active Friday" plan. The plan is to do something more active on some Fri instead of the usual meal, drinks to sit and chat and even dessert. That is quite sedentary.

So we met up again, dinner at subway. Subway wraps are pretty tasty too. An addition to the diet instead of salad all the way. We headed to see if the Marina bowling alley had lanes cos last week there was a company function. Again there was a company function! So waiting list kinda long too so we decided to settle for other things. Went into the arcade right beside. Found Puzzle Fighter and watched Tab finished the game with $1. The pool/billiard was pricy at $14 per hr. Think the cineleisure one is cheaper. I was just glad to be able to sit down. These past 4 days of standing and climbing stairs up n down, up and down, has taken a toll on my legs. Coupled with my right kneecap weakness, legs feel quite tired. I think culturally we are not used to standing for long periods like 1-2 hours at a shot. I think that even after sitting for the rest of the time, that 1-2 hrs took a toll on my legs. Add in the stairs, right knee hurts.

So after the arcade, we headed towards Esplanade. I asked Tab whether she minded if instead we walked towards Marina Sands, cos I havent been there. She agreed and we walked there. The view is very nice indeed. Very well light night scene plus there was a nice breeze all the way. Only thing was my legs were like lead, so I walked very slowly.

We chatted n walked the Helix Bridge towards the IR. Many people were doing the same. Many were taking photos. Inside the IR, we walked around a bit, Tab was showing some stuff to me. We came across this shop touting itself to sell 'healthy burgers' if that was ever possible. Well the tofu patty burger looks healthy but the meat patty with bacon and cheese don't look like that. We headed to the Cold Storage and we ate sushi n diet snapple. Typical routine we usually do. Later we walked the interior.

We then moved to the outside and walked the marina promenade, circled Fullerton and back to Esplanade. A long walk of 3.5km and by then my legs were not laden. The night breeze is cool and then headed home. Quite an active Friday indeed. It's a good experience walking around the marina area. Very beautiful lights and the night breeze. After s pretty negative week, at the end of the night, I felt less stressed and stifled.

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