Thursday, April 28, 2011

Slowing weight loss

Today I cancelled assignment. Not feeling well. Light headed and a forming headache towards the end of the day. Weather-related plus tired. But have cca so was contemplating leaving earlier but it turned out to be a meeting of sort, so I just stone and sit in a chair at the back. Felt better by the end of the day. Went off straight on the dot. Dont care.

Going to grab some much needed sleep. But just after dinner so cant sleep immediately. 1 more day to the end of the week. Hols then until next Thur. Then the whole thing will repeat itself for many more weeks to come.... Argh

Weight loss is slowing down. Back at the "Pig of my life" weight and so far still there. Checking the HPB app, my calorie deficit is kinda low, 200-300 calories. That means to lose 1kg, I would need about 12-18 days. So unless is keep at it through diet and exercising more, to increase the calorie deficit, it would be slow... Argh I only just dragged myself to gym yesterday.

I am determined to get back to Uni weight. That still at least 6-6.5kg more to go. Half year duration. Keep at it. Need to re-organise my exercise days due to very hectic work days on Mon and Tue. Need to put 2 days at least.

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