Sunday, April 17, 2011

The dust of life (reminder to self)

I went out to buy dinner just now and some thoughts hit me. I think part of my negativism comes from the 'dust of daily life'.

This thing about worries.

Have job also worried, no job also worried. Worries about future, worries about work, worries about family and health, worries about money and sustainability. No easy answers to these and many of us will ponder if there is an answer to all these.

In fact in our lives (long not short) there's plenty of worries, stress and unhappiness. Is that how I wanna live my life? Obviously no. Then I have to make myself happier. Others cant make me happy always because if you look at other people's lives, the similar worries, stress and unhappiness are all there. There's nobody to constantly help cheer you up, there are those who can help out when you are in a dump. But not every second, every minute with you. The rest is up to you.

True. I can do things to make my own life easier on myself. Be easier on myself for my weakness, my flaws. Understand that I am not perfect, I make mistakes and I am human. I get discouraged at times, I struggled, I've lost my focus before, I've been disappointed, I've been sadden and negative. I've had to struggle very hard, I've had dreams broken, I've been slapped by the starkness of reality and have been pulled down to the ground. In the face of all these, its okay to feel bad, negative, sad. Then the next thing is to move on, not just to be knocked down again, but to cheer myself up along the way so that life is not as harsh, there are things to smile about still.

I need to remind myself this time and again whenever I am covered by the 'dust of daily living' and lose sight of things.

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