Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mentally tired

Bleah, quite siong. I feel more tired than usual. I guess partly is my increased load and increased stuff I got to show face and also do on top of the teaching load. Quite mentally exhausted by the end of the work day that I just wanna go home quickly.

My mom's back in her hometown in msia, Dad heading back this Sunday. It meant I help to dabao dinner mostly on weekdays and also sometimes dabao lunch and dinner. Really ate alot of ZCP. Good news is I am starting to get some calorie deficit -60%  gradually in month of May so far that I hope can use to offset the 3 months of surpluses in Feb, Mar, April... several hundred -225.4% of my daily calorie. Hope to keep the weekend binge-ing to a minimal, at least 0 excess.

I should try to cut out malay food such as curry puff, nasi padang and nasi lemak. They are really delicious and the chilli helps to stimulate the appetite but not calorie-friendly. Been eating some of these for lunch, hence even with a normal dinner, very low deficit or just ok. If I can eat more plainer stuff like plain rice with soup, yong tau fu, fish soup n rice then can lower.

This week, I reach home with the desire to drink a beer. Just to shut the mind up and keep it from thinking about work. Cos lessons just started, a lot of things on the mind about work. It's been tough trying to 'switch off' from the work mode. Am trying. I started doing some conditioning using my own body-weight and the resistance band at home. Will aim for 2-3 times a week, every alternate day. Then after body is more used then start on the kettle-bell training. So far I am resisting the beer. Also cutting down on the number of cold drinks I have after the TCM visit.

Feeling kinda deprived at the moment. Like taste buds feels plain but I'm full. I think I should go get some dark 90% chocolate with minimal sugar. I have my matcha chocolate stuff but cos of counting calories, so not so liberally eating them daily. Restrict myself to 1-2 a week.

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