Sunday, May 27, 2012

Last of the series of work-related parties I would be going to

I kena katok another $105 from a seemingly already expensive meal affair. This is the last time I am going for any more of the work parties. Of all of them, I had gone for the 1st one in each of the series - 3 in fact. I am going to say a resolute NO to all others.

Bloody irritating. I expected to spend about $50 max and ended up with a hefty $105 even though I didnt drink at all. WTH!!! Its irritating doubly cos I am actually trying to stay within this month's budget and was succeeding with a decent surplus that I could use to buy something else I needed and poof, it was gone. Now I am in the Red and exceeded my budget and the month's not ended yet. Plus the food wasnt that good. Sian.

Headed out with Quet and Tab on Sat. After Tab left for her show, I ended up buying 2 new T-shirts $33 and BodyShop products supply for $81. Notice how for those stuff, it cost another $104 which was what I had to pay for the not-so-fantastic pink party. Bloody waste of my money! This is REALLY the last I am going to. I dont care what they say behind my back. Its too wasteful a manner to spend my money this way. Look how my $105 could nett me so much more stuff that I use instead of passing them out through the bowels. Irritating... So I am 'pushing' these purchases to next month's spending. Hope to squeeze out some extra and use them to 'top-up' this month's negative.

Quet and I ended up watching Avengers the movie. Its a good action-packed movie, kinda long too. I liked that it didnt end abruptly. Though of them, I didnt watch Hulk 2 and Captain America, the movies. Like Black Widow, she's cool.

Today didnt do much except woke up, redeem the LJS family feast for lunch. Ate and exceeded my calories by lunch-time. But I am kinda du lan to care. Will make back the extra calories over the week. Its gonna be a tough one, so I wanna rest myself. In fact, I fell asleep so much this Sat and Sun. I fell asleep in the early afternoons or just woke up later than usual. I did try to eat a light dinner but the heat is making me crave for another cold Brother's pear cider. Hmmmm... my night cap?

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