Sunday, April 11, 2004

Back from M'sia after an infutile attempt to make my smart-card tech IC. First off, Friday, we had a massive jam on the 2nd link for 2.5hrs.... the same amt of time that would have seen my family already back home in muar.... Duh... Then when we reached the immigration office and queued for 30 mins plus, then when its our turn, the lady said no more forms or numbers. DUH! Again bureacracy at its work, daily quto system, an ancient artifiect of the 'Lost World' still in place in M'sia. Okay fine, the next morn, Sat, we arrived before the opening hrs of 0800hrs, and behold the super long queue that reminded me of when I queued for the Kitty Without Mouth Toys back in 2000. Again, with only half-day and quoto system, it is no wonder that we had naught to show for our efforts.... So alas for this heroine, she will have to return to M'sia again on another day to try her luck at her ic. Only bought a few T-shirts, no vcd, anime, gum or whatever that is supposed to be illegal.... Sign

Tom marks the start of another week of tedious and menial work. Yep I agree with my other intern friend, that we have to screw the Company. Lets burn it down.... heheheh strap on some bombs or stink bombs and let them rip in office... *Evil laughter. After this Fri, I can officially declared that I have screwed myself for 4 mths as Internal Bleeding. Dun expect conversion at this pt, just want to finish n go, or even yet get something else then go...My bro suggested getting a written adknowlegement for my aid in the project, yep will definitely ask for that and letter of notice.. Maybe I should buying toto or 4D, never know if I might struck it rich and leave this rat-race forever *Dreams....

I look forward to the next weekend already.... I am already missing this weekend....

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