Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Today's lunch was interesting cos some collegues went to sign up for dance classes in a studio nestled inside Millenia. In fact u have to look really hard in the Harvey Norman store....then a path will light up and u will see an escalator that leads to the Third floor! (didnt know that Millenia had a 3rd floor) Well I got some of the flyers for some of the classes like Hip hop, salsa... A bit costly at $98 bucks for 8 lessons, each 1 hr. But I guess they cater to the working crowd, esp since class times are during lunch hr or after work hours. What the heck for moi, cos I am not exactly a 'high salary' worker. Will be very glad indeed if I can build up a reserve of peanuts... after this assignment. Its already bad enough that pay is rather low, free OT... then have to teach tuition to supplement income. Tries hard to save something, for the impending 'dry?' months ahead. Still got so many things that I want to or have to finance.... Eg an electric guitar, getting a driving licence, comics, games, retirement and very long into the future Japan trip. All these cost $$$. Its just that I am really left with peanuts, pay is peanuts. Really feel cash-strapped. The sense of futility hits when u see that u only manage to save such a small amount each month, and have to watch the dollars and pennies. Am I becoming scrooge mc duck? I dun really feel like splurging cos these peanuts are very (totemo) HARD-EARNED. Work my butt off for this sum, so somehow am not that inclined to bust my mths salary on something, unless its really impt or I am royally pissed.

I want to retire or bum... My bro is in Spore, my sisters finish exams and are enjoying themselves.... Me? I am still waiting
for my holidays to come...

"I tried so hard, and got so far... But in the end, it doesnt even matter...." Internal Bleeding (My favourite saying)

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