Tuesday, November 18, 2008

That cycle again...

The last time I remembered, fresh, wide-eyed and looking for employment, it was one of the worst recessions. Partly the reason, why I landed up as an Educator.

Now when my bond is nearing its end and I am reconsidering my options, the recession comes again. One of the new worst in history. Making choices so much harder to make... given that most people are not born with a silver spoon.

No wonder, the Guanyin temple qian said, timing is not right. Oh well, at least my relocation has been finalized and maybe can start afresh, in a new environment, so that I wont be bored in the same routine for the next 1-2years. Then reconsider after the Connect? Though that is still not-so-near in the future.

For now, I am just counting down a few more days to the weekend and finally the holidays. Dont intend to travel anywhere. Partly cos nowhere in mind, partly to save up cos 2 thailand trips this year cost me, also have JLPT test in early december, partly not to travel to neighbouring countries that are getting unstable and thereby worry my worrysome Mom whose health is in danger cos of her constant worrying.

Plan to do up some ppt, word doc templates that I can use for work, go to the gym more regularly, wake up earlier, sleep earlier and also catch up on other aspects like guitar playing, stock price tracking and monitoring, reading up those books, tidy up my room and so on, so forth. Quite a formidable task, the tidying up of the room.

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