Monday, June 22, 2009

Starting my fittness regime again

This time I hope to persists until weight loss to 62kg. I am now 68kg... *sianz*

But at least for today, Monday, I had gone swimming 12 laps. Found my stamina gone down a bit but after a few laps okay.

Think I will designate Monday, Thur and Sat as exercise days. Maybe Mon and Thur are swimming and Sat is either gym or swave-boarding. Yep at least swave boarding wont cost me much unless I fell and need to go see sinseh. Hope not. Then hope to see a slimmer self by end of the year.

I still wanna to get back into shape even though its getting harder to do so due to age and work. Before I reach 30, I should look my best!

Didnt have much time to look at stock market though I was tracking a bit around 4pm. Prices slight fall, not low enough to buy in, not high enough to sell. It is a stagnant point and the only thing is to wait and see. Now instead of being at the side-line, I am "invested", hence in for the roller-coaster ride.

The good thing is I have dividends coming in mid July from the malaysian share counter, almost RM$2k (S$825) that can help to add to my amount earned from shares. I am short about $9k in my personal reserve cos I diverted quite a bit to my share investment amount. I shall see how much I can save from my last salary, then top up the difference from the share investment account to make it $30k. Then I am set for almost 2 years money needs.

Some plans in the pipeline to study the share books more intensely, drawing my own point-and-figure charts, learn driving, go for JLPT 3 preparatory classes and also think and refine certain ideas for biz. Think I somewhat still have idealistic views about certain things. All these needs a bit of money esp driving but mainly time and energy, which would be in plentiful supply once I am free.

The good thing is that I am not playing much games anymore, I do play on the long bus and train rides home but once I reach home, occassionally. The game I am playing now is "Shares and my life". I dug up quite a few inspirational postcards I bought several years ago. They are still meaningful to me that I've laminated them to remind myself with words of wisdom that I am doing the right thing.

Lemme write a few.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward." (insightful)

"When the night seems to be its darkest, it means the sun will soon rise up. Press on... Dont give up."

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

and my all-time favourite

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." (really eptiomizes what I feel now)

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