Monday, December 27, 2010

Herculean Task Day 1

Today I got started on cleaning the room. It's a very tough task, but I had steeled myself to throw out more stuff especially those teaching-related stuff. I threw out immense amount of notes and stuff accumulated. When I first packed it back home, I went through another round and reduced it. I aimed to reduce it even further. I've 3 boxes of stationary which I might bring some to work, some throw, some give away. I got rid of a box of 'toys' from all the accumulated Teacher's Day presents. Sadly I didn't use any and I decided to keep the cards n give the rest to salvation. Left 1 extra box of some TBs and WBs, which I have no use. I don't anticipate using for next year or the year after. I cleared quite a bi of stuff but still not done. Will have to continue tomorrow. Think I still have a few boxes to sort through the contents and decide if still relevant or not.

Followed my dad out as he drove me over with 4 bags full of stuff, old electronic items, unused toys, lots of new files. Think it's better than just chucking. Someone might find I useful. After that just stoned. Read a book that my sister dug out while she also cleaned her room. Both of us still not done. So will continue tomorrow.

I am proud to say finally I can let go of things. I don't have to keep so much of those notes even though I had thrown almost 90% away and kept 10% that I thought was relevant but I realized even that 10% I had hardly use so I threw out even more. Amongst those I threw alot of my so-called teaching materials cos I thought they would be useful n so kept them. But seeing how I hadn't even used them once, I threw quite a bit too. Left some which might show Tab to see if she wants otherwise I would have chucked them mostly with little reluctance.

I've also learnt to let go of those stationary and toys. Will let them go to those who need it more. Even things like plastic shelving organizers which I previously bought and used at work but stayed unused cos I don't need them at home, would go to Salvation.

But that's only the teaching stuff. Still have clothes and outside table. I reckon with this sense of letting things go, alot will go.

I've come to realize every long holiday, I would end up clearing my stuff to throw away stuff. It helps cos sometimes during work, we are too busy and things really pile up. Things like old bills and all those stuff from mail. Changing jobs also leave alot of accumulated stuff. Changing size in clothes, but I did a massive wardrobe clear out just the other's more things from my time as an Educator.

I came upon a couple of old worksheets that I made from scratch before NIE and am impressed with the ideas cos I was so much more a keen Educator then. I don't think I can come up with things like those. That's why I was impressed with my younger self. I also looked through the Teacher day cards received over the years, some I can't remember the faces to the names, some I still can. I was deciding whether to throw too but in the end, I decided to keep. It's a form of encouragement as an Educator to receive cards with grateful messages from students. I shall keep them. The other presents lime soft toys I gave away instead.

Also tidied up some miscellaneous DVDs, and the bottles of new alcohol bought. So I tidied them up by putting into the relevant places. So if I can clear those few more boxes, room will be more room-y. Tomorrow hopefully I can clear up alot more before I have to head out in the afternoon.

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