Sunday, December 05, 2010

Petrified / Zombified / Beyond Care

Here I am at my workstation, in an open-space concept office with absolutely no personal space beyond my table. I am stoned. Is petrified a stronger word? I can barely think in my current state. Just am at the ultimate stage of stone-ness I guess.

My sickness is not as bad as yesterday but I am feeling very very groggy, and just want to drop everything. I am beyond care at the time of writing this. Everything seems sureal too. Its a Sunday. I had to work cos its the open-house day. Guess what lessons are as normal with a bit of timetable changes.

Accordingly, I was meant to only have 1 lesson BUT after "Murphy's Law" has struck time and again, I have to go into another, so becomes 1st and 3rd lessons. Fine. My voice sounds so 'sexy' and 'deep', yet I have to conduct one of the activity. Fine.

BUT there's cca! Fine. I go through the motions of walking around and stuff like usual. Even with cca added, it doesnt take the cake as compared to the fact that though students are dismissed at 3pm, all of us have to stay until 5pm!!!IF I wasnt so petrified by sickness and fatique, I would be upstairs trying recipes. But now I am too cant-be-bothered to do anything else productive or otherwise.

Immediately after work, at 5pm sharp, I am heading straight home. Forget gym and breaking the routine, cant help that I am beyond worldly concerns and am only concerned with getting into bed and sleeping.

For the record, I am amazed I can make it through Fri and Sat in this condition. Of course, it varys, from okay to sickly throughout the day. Battling with sickness, Murphy's law plus very late nights and early morning. I am waving my White flag in surrender. Monday my day-off, I am staying in bed.

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