Sunday, February 01, 2009

Kinda tired, what's happening?

Hmm though it seems that I am often complaining of being tired. Guess its true. At times, its the physical tiredness from waking up early and sleeping late. It could be from the night owling ways especially on weekends, partly from growing a bit older and hence less energetic, partly from work which takes up lots of time, effort and energy.

Other times, its the mental fatique from going through the boring motions call 'life'. In the way that one cannot have all the time to oneself and has to go through the motion of the 'working week' which almost always when one look back to reflect about things done in the week, to be absolutely sure to find nothing spectacular worthy of mentioning. Its the same old routine of work. Though to get through it, one would pepper the end of the day with a dinner with friends, run an errand, go out somewhere. The years pass by in a flash. Looking back through the years at the working aspect, cos the working week takes up so much of the time and energy, again one finds absolutely nothing spectacular about the work, except for the income earned, hopefully partially saved up and not all spent.

That is a somewhat grim but realistic view of having to work. Though through the news report daily, there are pple out there who are glad to be still working, glad to find jobs so that they can meet their commitments. A point which I try to consciously remind myself to be grateful to be earning an income still.

Guess that's the difference between me and them. I have lesser commitments than them. They have housing, car, family commitments. I manage myself, at least for now. Live with parents in a fully paid-up HDB flat. Cos both parents are of poorer health than peers', dun intend to move out unless absolutely necessary. We help look out for each other, with my parents and siblings.

Not to mention my views about the whole fuss about the Housing Issue in s'pore being a typically Singaporean way of life (Refer to Singaporean Way of Life post)PLUS the fact that commiting to a housing loan of $300-500k region for a duration of maximum 30 years is mind-boggling to one like myself who seeks to take a break from employment eventually. Plus the sum of money involved after a 20 year interest is factored in is astronomical in itself.

Taking a flat rate of 3.5% interest per year. A 20 year loan will multiply the capital by 1.99 times, meaning that if the amount is $400k, after 20 years of paying, the amount you would have paid up is $796k, a monthly payment of $3317. For a 30 year loan, the multiplying factor is 2.8 times, paid up $1.12M, monthly of 3111. Too way beyond the budget of a single-income. It has to be a dual-income to afford something in this region, meaning $1556-$1659 per person. With CPF, maybe less off $700, $856-$959 a month. Of course, this is ONLY a rough gauge of the figures. There are differencs in interest rates, interest payment types, even income figures and cpf amounts. But using it as a rough gauge, why would I want to get myself into this? Unless of course that I am starting a family. Taking the view of investment, the commitment is still too great, the risk too. Such a large sum in hopes of the market going higher, still the so-called opportunities are in the Pte housing sector, and that exacerbates the capital sum involved. Seriously this league is beyond most of the ordinarily employed. At least for me, I rather just take the $100k to invest in the stock market instead. Saving up the other $300k. Though of course, means having to save continously and hope to have accomodation. At least that's what I think about this whole housing issue.

Kinda feeling bored this whole day. Woken up quite early by horrible karaoke singing of CNY songs by some neighbourhood community-type karaoke singing session. Seriously out of tune, pitching problems. Then lazed in bed and eventually slept a bit more, woke and practiced guitar cos wasnt as dilligent after the test. Then did reading of the half dozen $6 paperback fiction books bought previously. Finished 4/6 books so far. Then ate lunch. Was still feeling tired that went back to sleep. It was kinda of short nap, 1.5hrs though I felt kinda rested. Followed my dad to Vivo with my bro. Walked around with him, answered his questions at first dilligently but later more irritably cos it got too much. Ate LongJohnSilver, their Cajun chicken wrap quite decent.

Thereafter we walked around the CNY stalls displayed inside. Watched the portrait artist sketched out 2 pple. Think the standard dont really reach the level displayed by their hung-up works. Think not using the full-power to draw. Either the shading kinda light, not as dark as those hung up works. Or that the intricate parts eg the hair and its shading, instead of using mixture of charcoal and pencil shading, just use charcoal or just pencil to finish up. No wonder those displayed pieces are so good. Its cos they are really intricate. The shading on the hair, the face, the shadows, the eyes all way surpass what they do when the subject is live and standing there. Within 40mins still dont reach the standard shown. Like what my bro says, 'there is a difference between the Magee mee style and the Slow style.' If you want it on-the-spot vs giving a picture to reproduce. The difference is there.

Was interested in the Occarina but they are pricey. Minimum was close to $20 for one. Its definitely of better quality but its ceramic. Though the sounds produced is very nice to listen to. Didnt want to make a rash purchase so didnt get it. Also learnt after walking past all those stalls that there are really numerous Chinese art forms and that truly each has its own beauty and intricacy and mastery levels in its realm. Highly impressed though I am not as tuned into art.

Reached home and decided to go to Ginza to walk around. Got tea packs, oolong tea and bought some bread home for tom breakfast. Nothing much else except I went online, looked at stocks a bit to make monitoring, decisions. By now, after this long post, its already 12.30am. Still not feeling sleepy though body feels like it need more sleep. Think will be going to sleep after this, dont want to strain it.

Today dunno why, guess I am just feeling moody. Feeling bored in a way though I did go out. Feeling tired and just wanting to hide at home. Maybe its the onset of Monday blues. Definitely, if this was Sat, I wouldnt have this feeling. Guess its the feeling of feeling trapped that one cannot sleep too late, go out too late cos there's work the next day. Signz

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