Friday, March 21, 2008

Yay a new haircut finally

K I didnt have a haircut ever since my friend's wedding in mid Nov. The reason was the hair stylist cut my fringe short... kinda short and tried to change my parting to kinda very side, which obviously didnt work cos I wear spectacles. A more centre parting is easier on the spects or let the fringe grow long that they can fall over the spects. At least that's what I thought.

During the March holiday, I really wanted to use the time to get things done. Eg set up a share trading account with a local bank so can use CPF, kick myself to go check out that music school near my place for the accoustic guitar course and maybe sign up, read up on that Technical analysis book that I always stop halfway, cut my hair etc. But since almost everyday I have course/work stuff that took up half or more of the day, everything went out the window.

Today finally kicked myself to go for a haircut. This time, more prepared. I printed out 2pics showing the hair that I wanted. Yar, its more Jrock-inspired. Then I decided not to go for a neighbourhood shop cos dun think they have the skill to cut that. Not that all cant cut it but cos its more funky, modern etc that is not what they usually cut.

I decided to go to the most upmarket saloon in my area, a newly open Loreal where a haircut cost about $25 and abv, cut and wash $35 and above. I had forgotten from the previous experience with Tab that it meant a long wait. Much longer than the usual neighbourhood ones cos there are actually quite a number of customers. Also cos they charge a premium, each cut takes longer and more care, something like that. Didnt expect that so didnt bring Midori along, instead took to reading the magazines, one about cars then finally 45mins later its my turn.

Showed the hair stylist the hair I wanted from the pic, he explained that the back will be short, which I didnt mind. He nicely explained that it will look like what his male colleuge was sporting. That collegue was sporting a funky Jrock style hair. Nicely styled too. (by the way kinda good looking too :P) I was okay with it. Its the fringe that i am concerned with. Growing it for 4months from the short length it was cut into still only left me with a fringe that covered my eyes but havent reached my nose. I told him not to cut my fringe short fullstop. He only snipped it a bit. Anyway the overall look I am quite happy with. Then got put a treatment for my scalp which has somewhat morphed from oily to sensitive... bleah blame the new shampoo and the late night of sleeping. Time to change shampoo.

Finally it was done. Though when not styled it still looked somewhat like what I used to sport but the back is definitely different. I just have to learn to style it using wax like that way he taught me plus grow my fringe a bit longer to achieve the look. Well something pleasant given I spent money on it.

Yar something nice given the rather exhausting and unpleasant week. A week of fighting off flu and not taking mc plus alot of marking piling up even though I cleared some. Well other subjects piling up. Signz how long more til the end? 15months.

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