Sunday, January 18, 2009

Man... I look FAT

This post came about cos on thursday or so, my Dad suddenly handed a stack of photos to my sister. Its the photos taken when we went to the airport to fetch her back from taiwan. When she looked at the photos, the first thing she said was "OMG!"

She showed me the photos and I went "OMG too!" Man, the photos are unflattering and I look seriously FAT in there, my sister too. Both of us experienced a sudden reality check. We kept going on and on about being fat, putting on weight this 2 years or so. Then I dug up this older photo of myself in 2001 to make a comparison. The verdict -I AM SO DARN FAT.

Its very obvious with the side-by-side comparison. My sister did also with a pic of her near her graduation and she also became more round. So whilst my Dad was unaware, I cut out the FAT me and my sister did it for her, pasted it next to my older photo and even added a note to myself to eat regularly and cut sweet drinks. I put that right in my wallet. So that when I see it, I will be reminded to quit drinking sweet stuff or eat extra stuff beside the main meal. My sister also did similarly. We also had a pinky-promise to lose the 8kg each from our waist lines.


Though on Sat, my sister went out and when she came back, she said she "破戒" everything cos she had a coffee and scone. For my case, I still had a sweet drink or two, ice lemon tea in outside meal, green tea packet that my Dad bought for CNY. I try to consciously reduce. Just like now, I havent drank Coke in quite a while. Now for me is mainly to jumpstart going to the gym again. Stopped for a while now. Try to make it to 2 times a week at least regularly and also make sure I eat my meals esp breakfast and lunch on week days.

Sat was spent mainly concussing in bed. So tired that slept from 2-6pm. By then the day almost gone liao. Then at night couldnt sleep so end up watching dvd. X-file movie sucked big time. Hellboy the golden army was better than the Mummy dragon emperor.

Today woke up and did some spring cleaning so dun have to be nagged by Mom. Wiped cupboard, door, window, tidied up shelves a bit, tidied up my clothes a bit. Now left with my collection of dvds. Later I went to the gym, 10 mins running, then weights, then crunches, then stretches. Thats all. No point piahing and later muscle ache. On the way back, I went to the supermarket to buy some pasta and the sauce. Supposed to cook for my bro, cos in msia, the sauce is expensive. Since he likes it, I'll cook up next Sat.

Came home, tidied up some more, then went to carry stuff for Salvation army. My dad only drives, we had to carry the stuff. Later went to buy a few new year decorations for work purpose. Chose the cheapest I could get. Everything is own budget so dun bother. Played a bit of guitar then went online to Maple cos had agreed to meet up to do party quest.

For the guitar evaluation, I am still not sure if outsiders can come in. Also the song to be played, maybe I shall go for the safest one, though boring.

Yar btw, I have not touched a word for the Jap test next wed. I am seriously screwed. Better kicked my unwilling ass to do it otherwise by the time work starts tom, will be too tired to do so.

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