Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The only GREEN thing I hate

That dubious honour of being the only Green item I genuinely hate is the Green Bean Soup. For the record, I hate Red Bean Soup also. Hate those Chinese dessert that uses Rice to make like those kuays or whatever.

It wasnt always like this... I used to kinda like Green bean soup... until at least 7-8 years ago, my mom dunno heard from somewhere that its more nutritious to soak the green beans overnite until they sprout a bit and THEN cook it. It resulted in this whole green bean soup that resembled bean sprouts cos you could see the mini sprouts and the taste was HORRIBLE. I was undeniably scarred for the rest of my life. From hence forth, GBS joined the long list of Chinese style food that I hated.

This morning, as I woke up early (have got to go in earlier), I was greeted with ANOTHER bowl of green bean soup. You gotta be joking... two consecutive days. Man, I dun want to eat it for breakfast, its DISGUSTING. When I asked her why, she said that since my bro came out yesterday, and the GBS is good for 'pai du' (remove toxins in the body), she'll cooked some more.

The only consolation for me is that she gave me a much much smaller serving than yesterday after I complained and whined and ate yesterday's one with a very long face but its still not small enough for me. I rather it just be one green bean in a small bowl of soup. NOT so many disgusting beans floating in the soup. OMG!!! Its my breakfast.

I sm grudgingly eating bits of it so that I wont waste her effort in cooking it but still I am not a HAPPY person eating it. Guess I wont be a happy person later on, my empty stomach being taken up by GBS when I rather fill it with other stuff... Now I have to eat later, when I have regained my appettite for real food.

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