Sunday, December 21, 2008

The End is Neareth


Last nite, I rubbed my left forefinger with some cream cos it felt stiff yesterday. The day before, ie Saturday I had practiced guitar again to master the new song. The thing is I have somewhat mastered the bass melody introd. Think overplayed or what? Overbend?

Today still stiff and sore so I bandaged it with some muscle cream. So whether I wanted or not, I cannot play the guitar, to give it a rest. Think if tom also not better, will have to stop for a few days to observe. Am disappointed. Its not even the fingertips that are sore from the hard strings. Its like the stiffness in bending the finger.


Went out with sisters who wanted to sing karaoke. We headed to Kbox nearby and it was a wasted trip cos they didnt accept the coupon again. First instance was cos it was on a public holiday. Today was cos its the festive period so not applicable.

While walking around, they each bought a new watch from Citychain. Both watches they bought are similar to my 2 watches, the sporty green one and the gold leather one. Cos both brands had sale and so each bought one from the brands. Then Geoky started her "Totally.... cool" thing with her fake bimbolic american accent. I had lost count of the number of times, I had shown her the whites in my eyes by the time we reached home. She'll ask the time and we'll all look at our watches and she'll do her line again about how cool she looked with her new watch *eyewhites*


We headed to PS and played the arcade again. Played the basketball game twice. I couldnt finish the guitar game... with a wrapped forefinger. Then I got all the swords that I was collecting from the gachapon.

Ate at Pastamania. Had a hearty meal with chicken sausage linguine with nachos and top off with apple crumble pizza. My sisters also enjoyed the meal with their various spageitte. They like the nachos and the pizza alot. Then after all the stuff, we headed to the careffour to get stuff. I got a dozen beers at one shot, Miller and Budwiser, a pax each. Bringing a few bottles to Tab's party.


Work is starting this week. Tom I have to start calling and stuff. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am enjoying this way too much to start the slog again.... bubububu

My last chance to monitor stock prices so actively I reckon. Better finish my list of errands tom.

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