Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lessons and packing more things into my weekly timetable

With Wed and Fri taken up by Jap and Guitar lessons, now I am thinking of putting in 2 days of exercise dates where by-hook or by-crook I am going to lug my fat ass into the gym. Maybe one is Sunday morning and the other remains to be fixed.

On top of that is the Driving lessons. My mom's been nagging me to take it now that my Dad's health is not so good. Thinking of putting it on Sat if I am not up to it on a weekday. The weekday schedule is still kinda unknown to me unless work resumes.

So that would mean 5 days a week heading out. Not really all to faraway places to take lessons eg gym is in the vicinity. But it would mean, at least heading home later on 3 weekdays so far. Its kinda tiring but hopefully the reduced travelling and me taking the MRT would shorten the commuting time.


On another note, I am really enjoying the guitar lessons so far. Into my first month, 4 lessons in a group. So far the instructor is really good at least, I can understand most of the stuff, its really brought down to earth, plus I can hear improvement in my playing. Am having a bit of problem with remembering the scales C,D,E,F,G,A,B and the changing or progression. Eg playing C on the C scale is C but when play it on a E scale, its a ? Wonder if I have to commit those scales and the progression to mind. Cant seem to get it to stick in a day yet...

Thinking of changing my guitar to a more mid-range model cos my old one is really really painful to my fingers cos the strings are relatively further from the fret. I used the ones the school provides and its actually easier to play cos its strings are not so far from the fret. IF I reach mid of Intermediate level, I'll go and get a new guitar. Also aim to stick to this for maybe 2 years to master Guitar and then move onto Electric guitar (not at Yamaha) but at some other schools cos this school doesnt offer that. There are other schools that offers Electric guitar courses. Let it be a progression then.

Now looking for Chinese songs and their chords to listen and practice and sing a long using the plucking and strumming styles learnt so far.

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