Thursday, August 06, 2009

Officially an Unemployment statistic, aka BUM

After talking about it for years.

Finally I am a BUM officially, an unemployement statistic.

The difference compared to when I first started wishing to be a bum, at least 5.5 years back, is that I am financially much much better off then. After working for that long a time, I have saved enough dilligently to be able to afford this 'self-imposed' break

The investment forray really helped alot, as it gave me the confidence in my own ability to generate a passive income, though it is not as stable as a job income. The earnings, also gave me an up, and bumped up my saving level by a notch. Which in a way made my decision to leave easier.

After working hectically to hand-over stuff, clear as much marking as I could and also return stuff. Finally its over. My dad picked me up and I dragged my orignally 2 boxes of stuff that expanded to another 4 bags of gifts... Got presents from pupils, collegues, even mgt??? Didnt know I was that 'popular'.

The thing is that I really focus on doing work when I reach the workplace. Though I do socialize a bit, work was the focus. Giving my best in my lessons was the focus. I am not interested in climbing up though I wont say I dont have the capability. I can deliver on my deadlines, projects and work assigned timely. I try to be as efficient so that I wont have to bring things back to do unless absolutely necessary. Though at times, I had to go in a bit earlier to finish up. This meant my 'free time' is used mainly to clear marking and other deadlines. I try to multi-task whenever I can. My face is usually tired and grumpy-looking reflecting how I feel after working intensely. Adding in the last minute admin duties that suddenly eat into alot of hours, I look unhappier. Though I do help others out, especially when I can, some are very simple computer excel, word stuff, others include helping out with duties or whatever level thingy. So within my means, I just do it, just cos I have the know-how to do it. To me, I dont go all out, I just help out when I can.

Though after work is another face. A face that looks forward to my lessons and afterwork hours. With this type of face, I am rather surprised with the "popularity". Think another is that cos I am different. I dont fit into the typical stereo-type of Educator. I dont look like one, dont dress like one. I am a rebel in some cases. I wanna do other stuff outside of work. I dont behave like one typically unless during actual lessons. The music I like is way too young for fellow collegues. My interests are very 'new' compared to them. I think differently. My perspective, though more pessimistic and realistc, does not follow the group-think that is typical of Educators. Top tell you to jump, and you ask "how high" typically. Also I look young and dress young *some think I am still Untrained, NIE, BT even... * Dunno to feel happy or irriated by such questions and comment.

These are just my thoughts so far. I am glad that in my relatively short time, I have made some friends amongst collegues, have been recognized by others as capable and doing a good job, liked by pupils. If there is regret, its leaving my pupils and friends behind. But my stamina cannot last that long anyway. So my apologies to them.

BUT irregardless, that part of my life is over. I look forward to making another path, another part will begin soon. For now, in the intermedaries, there are things I have to help to settle especially at the Family side where there are issues blowing up. I wouldnt want to point fault but now that just nice, I am available. I WILL help out as much as I can.

I will try to live a healthier way of life that encompasses good sleeping habits, good diet, exercise routine and also a time-table of sorts to keep courses and things all in place yet still have time for family and myself.

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