Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A continuation of the Wall episode, unexpected twists n turns

I went to ask the Head regarding the gifting of some candy to my students last Friday. He told me he will check with the other 2 Heads of the other levels. (Inside I'm like WTF?!? Can't u decide?)

Because time is running short. Need time to buy and also find time with students due to time-table changes again, so when today he didn't get back to me. I asked again.

Created a sort of a big hoo-ha... He went to ask the other two Heads of other levels and asked back the two Walls... Initial reply to me was if I gave to my sub-form class is okay but not to my own students whereas my main intent was to give to my students and maybe then sub. Went off to ask again.

Kinda irritated then cos the last time talked with double Walls, they left the decision to me if I just gave them a candy, and not have a class party. Now they are being consulted and they come back to me with the same argument about fairness...

When they asked me after dismissal to discuss about the issue, I had already given up in my mind. My students in the class just before dismissal heard my loud sighs. It's not cos of them, I assured.

Basically I told them it was a local thingy, a sort of appreciation, which we don't mind paying cos it's just once a year. I told them since its causing so much hoo-ha, I won't do it then.

Surprisingly now they wanted to do it, just that they want to do it fairly. As in all the levels in the subject do it, all the classes do it, not just a selected group. I told them they should not be obliged cos it's not their way. But now they want to do it... Just that instead of buying just for my own students (small volume), I potentially had to go buy for the entire school... Using work budget... If they could decide on the size and quantity of the candy though... That's another thing.

Whatever. Like as if the initial fuss about combining the classes didn't create more work for me, then I searched for activities, passed them 2, then ask for permission also so much hassle, now gotta buy mass quantity...

Ya u tell me this now, with just so little time to spare. I told them I am not going to do any parties cos there's no time to prepare much. Will end off with the single candy though. Now they want to do their own party with their own student. I did provide them with a couple of materials... Ironical?

So I reminded them both that there wasn't much time left. Need to go and buy it maybe tomorrow. Have to go with the Wall. Hope she can make up her mind about the size of the candy. Cos some would be leaving earlier before the term closes, I told them straight out, last year when I did it. It was a series of steps and things, with rules and explanations, not so last minute.

Really at this point, I've reached the point of 'Whatever'

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