Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cravings went crazy, munchies really bad

On Sat, my calories were in track to be just OK. But by 11pm, I was hungry. Cooked a pack of Instant noodles - Myjo Garlic Chicken with egg n leftover pork balls. Also took out my Brothers Toffee Apple Cider and drank it after my 'supper' so that meant super over-calories.

Woke up on Sunday, ate 卤米粉 large for breakfast, ate rice with soup for lunch but dunno why I ended up eating an entire pack of Calabee Potato chips. Really having very bad munchies. That adds 450 calories to an already severe over-calories, brought forward from the night before. Dinner was mainly porridge with some of mom's dishes but the damage was done...

In just 1 day, I overshot by 70.5%, which is kinda a bummer cos that meant I had to go on low-calories for at least a week plus to make back and it's just 7 more days til Christmas. OMG... That would be another round of dieting after that...

Kinda to reduce the guilt, I did a conditioning workout but without KettleBell on Sunday. Then Mon, decided to do another workout - KettleBell, dips and stomach. Tue is another Krav Maga class cum workout. I don't count the calories burnt off from exercise. They are the extra.

My basic premise is that my food intake calories should balance itself off after some days of plainer food. The plainer food sacrifice is to remind myself not to over-indulge too much. At least not until no matter how plain I eat, can't balance after some time. That's another trick I have developed.

But today I had fulfilled my craving for Aatons for dinner. Had my double-up chicken, Fried cutlet, other is Hickory BBQ chicken with garden veg and homemade salad. Had Coke Zero. Calories for today just about balanced but I did go and do a workout later on, to try to off-set the feeling.

Had initially wanted to go to HV but it started drizzling, change of plans to just settle my own dinner. I am tempted to go to Nam Nam on Fri if I am able to leave earlier. Think maybe can cos its the last day of the term. Bring my stuff home then chuck and go out makan Nam Nam. I think of the sandwich n the noodles.
Wanna eat both...

FYI if Fri is the end-of-the-world, then it'll be so sad, pia so hard to reach the last day of the term, only to have everything end on that day too. Well at least you're not alone, everybody dies together, then we'll find out like SouthPark movie, which one got the after-life part correct.

Cravings are really going crazy, I am thinking many thoughts of food. Want to eat them all... Jia lat, can't go too crazy or later the sinseh would ask me to refrain and my weight would balloon. No... Ally efforts but its really hard to give up so much at a go, at once. Plain food is ok up til a certain time before the craving rears its ugly head and a whole over-eating occurs. Have to gradually get used to this. So sad...

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