Saturday, December 01, 2012

Deprived... later contented

Woken up by my stomach again and it's only 6am on a Saturday!!! Wat De Fark!!! Of course by now I am wide awake and thinking about how to go back to sleep which is near impossible, so find things to do. Guess blogging is one that is less physically exerting.

Yesterday had another sort of Clark Kent day... I decided to wear contacts cos I would head out by myself. By then feeling quite deprived cos the week felt so bloody long, thought Tab was flying off. Quetzal had to stay home to study. Was undecided between movie or shopping. But a decent meal was on the agenda.

I wore a long-sleeved v-neck black top I had just bought. With my usual greenish-brown long khaki pants and black sport shoes. Needed to belt up, now can reach the 6th hole (last time was 3rd - 4th) That's the obvious weight loss part to me. Quite like 'the look' created but hope it didn't inspire some to ask if I came from the Army...

Been trying to make back the calorie-surplus n though its still positive, my weight has gone down slightly more than before the surplus. Around 3.7kg more to go.

Had been going to work much earlier to catch students to finish off some stuff, needed for grades. Feeling the fatigue more than before. Trying hard not to come down with something... Been fighting off some cough with mucus. My mom asked for help to carry heavy stuff to the temple. We took a cab over then I walked over to the workplace. Despite drinking a coffee, I wasn't awake fully. While waiting, I was slouched over the table much like a student... Guess we aren't that different.

I had a period of lesson added, then have to be around for a period with form class, that meant my periods doubled from 2 to 4, my plans for a leisurely lunch outside is thwarted. Had a similar lesson with that same class I went to last Friday. Few of my own students needed much help. I helped out with the editing of their draft after they're done. Decided to sit down on an extra chair, within moments I wasn't alone. My chatty student came over and asked for help... Had to help decipher her scribbles, correct her grammar and form some sentences. Had an 'interesting' short conversation before I got up and walked around some more. I had to see the class again later due to the extra lesson added. I think this group "enjoys" my class a little too much. I feel like I am the source of entertainment for them. Its amusing but that leaves me feeling more drained...

Had another class later and it was relatively more peaceful and normal. Then my dabao chicken rice with liver and oyster sauce chye sim I couldn't finish off. Ate what I could, half pack rice, all the meat, some slices of the chye sim and chucked the rest. Rested as much as I could mentally before my next class which was the bunch.

I decided to swap one part with listening out for lyrics to break the afternoon, after-lunch monotony. Lesson was interesting. I used some funny examples to explain the words. Got through the main part. One asked me why I swapped the activity while I told them. My reason was its a Friday plus this is an extra lesson for me. He asked if that can be considered a reason. I replied yes, much to their amusement. Another later asked where my best friend was, cos I had a quick mention n show of the muscle cream I used the previous lesson cos I was still suffering muscle aches up til Friday itself. My reply was that it was downstairs, thanks for ur concern cos I was still having muscle aches. Two can play at the game.

Everyone perked up when the music played for the listening to lyrics activity. Me included, cos it really helped break the monotony. Ended with that. In the newly burnt CD, I had included Gangham style, so the boys played that and were galloping before they headed back.

Locked up, headed down to pick up the camera to be camera woman for the class thingy. Organized by students and carried out but discipline among the boys is appalling. I just took pics of the students, including the local ones. The rookie form is doing nothing about the misbehaving rowdy boys despite me pointing out to him. Fine, roll-eyes then take pics.

Later the head of the level came and I mentioned to him about the boys misbehaving. I didn't know he was here to assist in the before-dismissal 15mins. Apparently the form had to leave to attend to the refreshment at another venue. He was in charge of the event. The head led in the dismissal and scolded that particular trouble-maker infront of the class. By now, it will just make it easier for one day but surely no lasting effect. If there isn't consistency n escalating of tone, threats n punishment, there is no repercussion. So that's why that rookie dig his own grave, keep using the same tone to say the same thing. Class discipline is really laxed. Continue to roll eyes daily. I am trying not to raise my voice daily. I am using non-verbal signals to cue some to be quiet, including stare, walk over. I think those are easier on my throat. Need not have an even deeper and sexier voice than I do now.

Glad that Tab hadn't flew off yet. Took a scenic bus route n listened to music, glad the weekend is finally here. Met to eat dinner at SoupSpoon. So comforting to have warm food which I can eat leisurely. Told each other about our 'interesting' day. Later FH came and we went shopping for turkeys. Helped carry to the car n got a ride home. After bathing I was lights-out. Mentally knocked out.

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