Sunday, December 23, 2012

Last few days of 闭关节制

Hmm as of last night, I have over-calories of 108%, with Christmas just round the corner, plus not exactly following my sinseh's instructions eg ate some spicy, raw food, I have just 2 more days to make a difference.

It meant yesterday, I stayed home, ate porridge n plainer zcp. Did a conditioning workout. So managed a deficit of 20% but with still another 108%, just 2 days more, plus munchies, I'll count myself lucky if I could do a 12% deficit. Will try to do another 2 workout today n tomorrow.

Today I didn't start off well. Ate mee siam which is spicy, a no-no. Lunch was Lor Bee Hoon, large cos my dad went out for a 'walk' and dabao-ed a bunch of food.

I just cooked a small pot of porridge with the intention to eat with a can of 菜心, hope my mouth won't protest and start looking for stuff. The rainy, dull weather isn't helping. So gloomy until one might eat out of boredom. Trying to resist.

Haven't done my workout yet, dozing off out of boredom in between meals and I munched some rice cracker and dried vegetables in between, so kinda hard when I stick to the minimum of exercise after at least 2hrs after food. Drinking tea also meant I have to do a 2hr after before I drink the Chinese medicine, which is something I have to keep reminding myself to do.

Plans wise, nothing else planned. I was so tired yesterday, dozed on and off after meals. Looked at myself in the mirror, looked quite pale. Today looked better. Think my belt cannot hit 7 holes with the amount of binge-eating especially over the last few days. Still at 6 holes, phew. Will aim to work it off by the end of Dec, especially after Christmas.

I am about to make the commitment to put myself down for 6 months of Krav Maga with the routine of going at least 2 times per week and even reach 3 times if I could manage. Man, the muscle-aches would be unimaginable for the first few times until the body gets used to that. Luckily I am on holidays. One more lesson before I commit to that. Well then I can reduce my own conditioning n KB workout at home to just once a week.

Nothing much else on the horizon, have to read some books, practice the guitar, look at stocks, tidy my table and room, besides the usual of exercising, going out, watch some movies, try baking cinnamon rolls, and eat some stuff. But those can wait until at least after Christmas. Need to rest up. At least my New Year Resolutions are done.

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