Thursday, March 03, 2011

Animal Porn n Orange Cheesecake

Yar. I am aware that there was a school field trip planned for the graduating students but since I wasn't told anything up until mon late afternoon, I assumed I dont need to be involved. Wrong.

Tuesday morning, the level head come and tell me that at 1pm, two others have to head down, so I go with them. Okay. We are the ones with lessons at other levels unlike the level teachers whose timetable is suspended cos their students are graduating.

Fine luckily I have a period free to eat and rest up after 3 consecutive periods. So we headed down in a cab. When I arrived, was told earlier to bring a chop to stamp on student's paper if they spot us. Then the level head say that maybe I don't need to chop cos my name is not reflected in the student's ws. Thanks lor but I made my way solo around the zoo, to increAse their chance of spotting me. When they do, they are surprised that I am here. Then I still chop at some space on their ws, saying I am extra.

But when I first entered the zoo, I heard this loud splashing and loud shrill sound. I followed the sound to the otters enclosure. First thing see these 2 otters at the side of the water. The one under is making all the loud shrill sound and the top one is splashing lots if water in a frenzy of movement underwater. 2 other otters were looking intently from the bank. Err it doesnt take much brain nor time to figure out that they are mating. In fact many visitors were gathered around, drawn by the very very loud shrill sounds. I had taught it was something else than animal porn... In fact when I reached the tapir exhibit, still can hear lor. Walao. First few sight is animal porn. What a great way to start...

Then I walked on. I wanted to go to the KFC area in the inner part of the zoo but I kept following diff paths to parts where parts are closed or even a 'vehicle' only. I kept walking in this huge loop that ended up me being back at the otter enclosure... Huh? I though I followed that bloody map and the footpath??

But we arrived around 1.20pm and must start assembling around 2.30pm. So I didn't make it to the KFC inside. The outside one also not nice to be seen. So hang around until 3pm then finally depart. So glad for aircon cos I was wandering about in the hot afternoon sun in the area with little air con. Man! I should have stayed at the elephant place,
At least it was sheltered n relatively cooler. Not that smelly, I think sheeps were much much worse.

But went back n I rested until dismissal. We decided to head to town with about 40mins left on the clock and ended up in TCC where I ordered the high tea set. It's very rare for me to eat something like this and end up in a cafe around 5pm so early. The high tea set wS delicious. Love the scones with the cream cheese, the pizza roll, the Oreo cheesecake and stuff. It came with 6 mini items and tea. A very very delicious and welcome change from Zar Chai Beng.

I was deciding to jio others for dinner cos my collected would meet their spouses after the TCC but no one could make it. FH kindly offered to meet around 9 cos he had appt and he called later at 9pm to check if can still meet up. But seeing how rush it is for him and he's got to finish stuff to rush for this weekend's Jay Chou concert so I told him it's okay. Catch up after this weekend.

Anyway I decided to catch a movie otherwise like just go home a bit boh. So watch the Gnomeo n Juliet in 3D. Played $2 of tokens in the arcade. Man, jewel puzzle fighters is a good time killer. Then headed into the cinema. The build up is a bit slow but some parts quite amusing. It's a bit clunky to wear over my own spectacles.

After that I went to eat the ultimate delicious fish soup at the food court. Ate happily, it's been ages since I've last eaten that.
Still taste as good as ever. Then headed home by met for a change. Reached home near 11, bathed n brushed teeth, already 12. Then knocked out until this morning. It's only thur???

Plus my sprained wrist is hurting even more today... Going to be wearing medicated plasters n bandages for the next few days.

Today's assignment got cancelled so I happily went home and on the way back, dropped by to buy some ingredients to make 'Orange Cheese Cake'. Seems easy enough but my first few steps already made grave mistake. I kept thinking 1 small pack of milk is 150 and poured one pack in when I was supposed to use just 150ml. So mixture turned watery. So added natural yoghurt plus extra cream cheese to make back the proportion... Signz, so far both tries at cheesecake always make some mistake. Guess cos of space limitation, not easy to weigh out ingredients plus equipment is lacking. Just keep making do and leaving a mess like splatters of cream and stuff here and there and have to clean up which I did during the long cooking time.

So after two hrs of baking, now it's cooling before I can put it in the fridge to chill overnite. Now stoning wrist still painful.

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