Sunday, July 20, 2008

Huh feverish?

I woke up and headed to the gym cos I skipped last sunday due to having the sore throat. Though I was sick in the mid-week, but I felt I had to go workout cos otherwise no way to lose weight plus its easy to stop, but not easy to jump start going to gym again.

It takes about 3 weeks for a routine to form and just a few days of break, its broken.

Anyway didnt do cycling cos didnt want to overstrain my body after its just recovered.

Reached home, ate and headed out to see the Sinseh with mom and sister around 2pm. To get a checkup cos my phelgm cake is getting more frequent. While waiting, I was overcome with a very strong urge to sleep. Was getting drowsy and nodding off. Also feeling a bit cold in the airconditioning. Thankfully brought a scarf to cover. When it was my turn, he told me I was having a fever? Said I felt warmer than usual. Advised to eat panadol and rest more before work begins on Monday, otherwise easy to fall ill, which ironically I did already.

He mentioned that the reason why some men died suddenly was cos they exercised while their body is still sick. It puts pressure on the heart etc etc. Hence when they collapse later on, died quickly. Told not to exercise when unwell. Okay, will do. He checked on my heart to see if it was affected. Luckily nothing unusual.

After all of us finished seeing, we reached home around 5pm. I was still wondering how I was going to spend this nice day, with clear, cloudy sunny skies that tempts one to go out, but yet didnt feel like travelling around. It seems it was spent for me. Reached home, ate a bun and panadol and slept like a log until near 9pm, woke up to eat dinner, durian and online a bit. Now its 11pm already. Not feverish. Think I will go sleep a bit earlier and then wake up a bit later than usual for tom.

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