Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Things about work that is getting to me (dun read if not interested)

I have taken to writing and saving up my smses for work rants esp when they flare up on my long journey to work. At times, I re-read them and realize some are minor. Others are not so, after re-reading, I still feel the same, though the message was written a month ago or a week ago.

To sum it all up, guess, I'll attempt to classify all those rants into categories, so that its clear whether its a I-hate-working rant or I-hate-my-job rant. Something like that.

Hopefully this post will serve a reminder to my future self, and drive the decision to leave or not in the near future.

Not in any particular order but will be putting the rants under the appropriate headings.

1) Transportation Issues

A constant pain in my butt that alot of time is wasted on taking Public transport to work. The connection is really bad. Having to take 2-3modes. The result is simple, fatique. Its quite tiring to travel on so many modes for extended time. Seriously the ONLY thing I dun like about where I am living is the need to take a Feeder bus.

A solution is either to move, which is not easy finacially OR to find a job nearby, which depends really.

2) External policies

External policies affect all those in the practice. The difference being HOW policies are being translated and communicated from top to bottom. For those at ground-level, by the time it reaches you. It just means more things to do. At times, its just a repackaging of old ideas into new. At times, its completely new and hence requires again more time and effort to come up with implementation, cos only the ideals come to you. The implemenation is your own.

Simple result, ivory-tower ideas on ground level, where the concern is to carry it out quickly out of the way, meant its seen as a hassle at time. It meant more work on top of others. It meant stress and fatique.

3) Internal policies and practices

A possbily major cause of dissatisfaction. There are external policies pushed down for execution plus internal policies at the same time. Internal policies tend to be more catered towards Marketing/Publicity efforts, at times at the expense of something else due to the manpower constraints. If there are limited manpower, then its not possible to spread the work over everyone and expect results in all areas.

Could definitely do with better mgt of resources and deployment. To be fair, some are not trained in such aspects, so easiest way out is to go the most convenient path, put everybody down. Other mismgt include making huge abrupt changes, last minute policies that just appeared overnight, haphazard plans poorly hammered together, paper plans that looks good on paper but skips logistical details, doing things/events for the sake of it only, more paper trail on top of the administrative duties.

Alot of these are happening concurrently, many events, some big, others small. Many problems and issues to tackle. Yet does it really add to the workload. Its like a never-ending cycle of events/stuff to do.

Result, lack of time to do other responsibilities, having to work longer and harder balancing the many hats and not screw-up, plus burnout. It meant becoming numb after a while in the drill. It meant passion growing cold, the embers doused by the winds of policies and mgt.

It meant for those who stayed on, either they could take it and work like that or they couldnt afford to lose their job. For those whom left, it meant they couldnt accept/take the drill and chose other areas.

4) Overtime

Tied back to Point 3, one of the main reasons why the working hours are getting much longer. Going in much earlier or Going back much later than what is being perceived by outsiders. True enough if one adds the numbers from 7.15am - 6pm, its about 11 hours, less 1hour lunch, = 10 hours. Big deal? There are other jobs that work even longer hours.

Well to be fair, take it in context, lunch is never a 1hour affair. It could be nil, 10mins, or 30mins max. Though work starts at 7.15, it meant getting up much earlier than that. It also meant working really long and hard, almost non-stop during those hours. Not much of breaks inbetween. Free periods are used to clear backlog, admin, events, and the hosts of other stuff that props up.

It meant little mental energy left after work. At times, in zombie mode. Also meant little time for pursuit of other interests outside work. Can be done, only if it can be incorporated into the daily routine. It takes an iron will and endurance to go for lessons after work. Returning home, just in time to get enough sleep for the next day. It meant unhappiness.

5) Work satisfaction

At times, after all the effort poured in and not much results, one gets disheartened. The frustration of dealing with unmotivated individuals is tiring enough and yet have to deal with unsatisified stakeholders. Having to deal with their complaints, unhappiness and answer for it, be it to convince or to address or to solve. Its all a very negative environment, with nothing much for personal affirmation and satisfaction.

At times, welfare is not entirely catered for. Basic needs are at times overlooked. Shortened lunch hour, little food and water provided. Inaccessibility to them also. In other companies where PEOPLE is the key to the organization, their needs are better provided for than what is being offered. Though not wide-spread, its still happening.

It meant a host of different stress factors and anxieties. It meant becoming numb and dissatisified. Dissatisfaction breeds dissatisfaction.

7) Stress issues

Stress factor comes about from many areas, Point 1, 3, 5 contain some of them. Others will be the daily encounters and sudden situations arising, be it a complaint, a call, individuals, and stuff. Its like being perpetually in a stressful environment, a pressure cooker, with constant flux of changes, work, deadlines, at times unrealistic deadlines.

Its enough to break even the strongest. Little wonder of the high rates in Woodbridge. Some gave it their all and burnout or break. Others chose to preserve themselves and cut corners. Its too much to handle at times, personally my screw is coming loose. Either get more manpower or they reduce the work.

Some chose to leave for greener, saner pastures. It maybe for the best.

6) Health issues

The irregular eating hours coupled with stress meant its easy to put on weight either snacking, irregular meals and bingeing. Plus blood pressure skyrocketing on some days, a very sore and hoarse throat, mental fatique, pent-up frustrations, anxiety, mental anguish, and faqitue. For some lack of sleep, plus burnout.

Not enough of rest on weekly basis, even holidays are taken up with activities that its shorter than it was intended.

8) Job vs Personal issues

When the Job takes up longer and longer hours, it meant shorter hours for Personal. Some after a full day of work, still brought work back home for a 3rd shift. Hats off to them. Yet it meant even lesser time. Some would tell you, its like that one. They seemed resigned to the fact that they have no choice. Work is lidat.

Is it really like that? Is work supposed to be all-encompassing until there's little time and energy left just enough to eat and sleep for the next working day? Is work really so anarchical that it dictates what an individual can do? Be it actions or words?

Is this healthy? Is this satisfying?

Does it mean just because its a vocation, that a person HAS to be driven to work to such an extent? Literally work to the grave or at least burnout point cos its a vocation and its NOT about the pay? Surely some other professionals dun have to work this hard, or at least in this type of environment.

If thats the case, I quit.

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