Thursday, July 10, 2008


For the second night in a row, I took the same bus down to Orchard to meet Tab for dinner. After dinner, hung around Taka area. Ended up in Shaw and bought another Happy Meal and got another figure, Snake. Took a bus ride home, reached near 11pm. Took a bath and its almost time for bed now, 11.42pm.

One way to 'make' yourself happy, buy a Happy Meal.
Another would be to go to the Food Fest and buy a scoop of Alcoholic Ice-cream. I had Brandy Pear Sobet and its light and tasty and very pear-y. Tab had Tira-me-Su. It warms one up nicely after a while. If only tom wont come so soon.

Tom maybe a repeat of this again.

Heck, I dont mind.

It still beats travelling as long to go to work.
It beats waking up god-damn-early tom to go early in for remedial.
It beats the hectic day of 9 period lessons I be having tomorrow.
It beats the pile of marking that is accumulating.

Heck even studying for Jap exam next week beats the above.

P.S: My youngest sister, Geoky told me she had asked Yingel (my other sister) about Monkey. She had a similar reply to both ours. According to Tab, my entire bloodline cannot make it, is not getting enough of it.

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