Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yeah I did it again...

My weak body after battling and somewhat recovered from a bad case of sore throat, that had pain hitting my tonsils, gave out on Wed.

The day had barely started but I had to go in earlier. My stomach started acting up. Diahorrea 3 times, then still got pangs. Later went to settle some worksheet so that I could go home, but started coughing and getting cold sweat. Imagine this, it was a hot day and I had just finished sending out the class, then walked to my other classroom but I was sweating. Yet I couldnt feel the heat, felt cold. That's how bad it was. Some collegues saw me and I must have looked really sickly. Yar I felt really bad inside too.

Made my way out and headed to the polyclinic. Partly to see the doc, partly to address this phelgm cake problem once and for all. So imagine having to wait to register, then wait some more to see the doc. Then told him my prob, have to do x-ray. Have to wait again, an hour to get results, then wait again to see the doc. By the time I was done, it was near 5pm. I had reached around 1pm.

Inbetween the waiting for the x-ray, I went to eat my porridge lunch and buy 4D/toto wishing ferverently for 'this suffering' to end. Was actually feeling much better then, later didnt feel good again. The doc gave me 2days. I must have looked really bad? Made my way home to just eat the medicine, had a warm bath and shortly just slept. Woke up later on in the late evening, ate medicine and slept again.

Today is a nice day, bright and warm. It seems a waste to stay home but I will be doing that. Body still feels tired. Guess I better rest it so that I wont fall ill again. Tried looking at the jap notes, but havent started doing the ws. Think after this, I am going to lie down a bit first.

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