Monday, July 14, 2008

Work irks me...

If my psychiatrist asks, I am having more working-blues attacks really bad nowadays. It flares its ugly head especially on weekday going-to-work-journey time.

Instead of bitching too much to Tab (whose poor hp I flood with sms), I have resorted to putting down thoughts plaguing me into sms and saving them. Actually phrasing out the things bothering me, and re-reading them helps somewhat to sort out a bit of the symptoms but not solve the underlying problem beneathe.

Shigoto o yametai demo BOND ga arimasu.
Taihen na.
Doshiite, jiyou ga nai?

Yar another Educator on the way to Woodbridge soon.


After work, decided to head down town. The weather is really bad today. My whole person feels uncomfortable, esp around the chest due to the cold, humid, rainy weather. Yet I felt worse inside. Though I was glad work was over by then, but the fact was that there was still tom and tom, so was only glad that at least it was over for the day.

Smsed and met Quetzal for dinner and later FH for dessert. Reached home around 11.35pm. Feels much better after going out, except for the journey. This is going to be a long week. That's all I can say for now.

Have to try to squeeze in time to revise thru Jap. Looked thru once but cant seem to recall as much - refer to Hole-In-Head-Theory

Just wish for a good night's sleep given my body is battling some Sore throat bug passed to me... Stomach also acted up a bit today. Hope for the best

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