Saturday, May 15, 2010

New wallet/s

It started on Friday after lunch. Everyone seems and feels tired cos this week was kinda "long" cos shortened lunch time to create an extre period of some event. Also with medical checkup for students, plus my own classes on wed, and club activities plus my own assignments and other classes, no wonder felt tired.

So my collegue was telling me how she very 'gian' a particular wallet. Told her to give me the web-site, it's called "Poketo" and I looked at the range of wallets, quite like the Lisa Congdon 3 which resembles a wooded forest. Then my collegue wanted to order the 10 in a set but it's too many so I decided to share half with her. So on top of the 10, which the design is random, includes current range and past and out of print range, We each ordered the particular design we very 'gian'. So in a short 1/2 hr, we spent almost USD$85 per person. I really need a wallet, the current one was given by friends, used until damn holey and on the brink of destruction. Though the poketo wallets have fewer compartments, I don't mind carrying lesser stuff in the wallet. Maybe have a main and sub wallets and separate coin pouch too. We decided that when the 10 arrive, we will take turns to pick a wallet each so it's fair that can somewhat choose the wallets even if not all the designs are nice. So now is wait for it to be shipped over in a few weeks time.

The muscles in my legs are aching a bit since thur. Why? Cos I ran with the students twice around the school and almost died. Needless to say I was the last runner lor. Man, running long distance eg 1.6-2.4km is not my forte lor. Last week, I ran one round already wanna white-flag. Then thur, after one round, still had energy, I decided to try 2nd round and found myself lagging behind as the round progressed. Also I don't find it in me to dash even though I wasn't out of breath, just kept to a constant pace, though I stopped a few times to catch a bit of breath then started cos not supposed to stop. Man think I would have to do this more regularly to improve my speed, endurance almost there. But I won't be adding running to my gym routine cos stationary running is too boring, mentally I can't persist. I need to run outside type but don't want to strain knee-cap so leave the running to club activity times. It's twice a week btw. After club ended, a collegue looked at me and asked what happened to me, I told her I ran outside with students.

She said "You look like shit?"
I answered her "Ya, I feel like shit."

then I slapped on muscle cream on the kneecap but forgot the thighs and calves, woke up next day with mild aches in them. Dunno why maybe is food, my weight is 67.5kg. So luckily it has stayed there. So this could be my equilibrium weight so need to up exercise or really watch diet to try to lower to another lower weight. Unless I am like my sister who can eat soup for lunch for 6 months, I am not able to repeat her feat. Knowing myself very well regarding the issue of eating the same food daily, I think I would have more success if I try to increase the exercise eg more session or try to do some exercise at home with my weights and also geoky's spinning tummy disc. Can also do crunches and abdominal exercise on days I don't go to the gym. That would also effectively upy exercise amount. Sething to start doing.

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