Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things to do when I am in my .....

Me and Tab pon-teng the Jap class cos during dinner, saw that Tab was rather stressed about this past two weeks and the events one after another. Over dinner we were talking about work, the wallets I bought, about what happened over the past week. Then offered her the option to skip class, just for that one. Usually I am quite against skipping cos already made all the effort to travel all the way down and even ate dinner just for that. But occasional exceptions can be made.

So we headed to Kino, after letting her decide where to head to, to chilll a bit. She actually met her boss there, how unfortunate but was too bo chap about it. Later we walked and talked a bit more and headed to the usual spots to take our respective buses. Though I did dabao Yuan Yang before I boarded the bus. The plan was to practice guitar, cos might not have that much time during the week to do so. It was a rare occasion to reach home earlier. Hopefully can find more opportunities to practice. Moving to 3rd out of 5 songs, havent commited to memory yet but just practicing. Its been a while since I practiced this song, always been just practicing for the current song. Did until fingers a bit sore, then watched a bit of anime before sleeping.

An interesting thread of conversation is this whole on-going conversation about things to do in one's life. It started with Tab's whole thing about dressing up as a hot Grandmama when she's in her fifties, in short mini-skirt, bright tubes, never mind the bad dress sense and appalling visual fest. We saw a lady who dressed quite hot, but her make-up not well-drawn and it started this whole string of conversation. Tab mentioned that she should put down stuff to do before a milestone in one's age, eg

"When I am in my forties, I shall go and sing badly in a karaoke joint and terrorise the bengs there. If they are not terrorized, it doesnt count."


"When I am in my fifties, I shall go and dress as a Hot Grandmama and terrorize the eyes of others, with no regards to their viusal well-being. And if they are not terrorized, it doesnt count." *Not to mention the amount of traffic accidents caused...

Then I listened to all this and said to her,

"I seriously think its just you. You are just rebelling and trying to test all of the limits at those ages cos you dont have things to lose then."

She refuted by saying that there are easier things to do with one's life. For example a ficticious girl whose name concidentally mirrors mine, BoundHell, say she wanted to get a guy, its easy she said. All she had to do was to dress and show ample cleavage and hang around certain parts of Orchard. I did tell her that sounds like prostituting oneself, but she emphasise that its not cos its only showing AMPLE cleavage, not showing all. Then when there are guys, suddenly having fainting spells and be in distress.

*Right.... rolls eyes*

BUT she argued that it takes another whole different courage to say Dress up like that hot grandmama.

*Right..... rolls eyes again*

"Dont you want to dress like that when you are older, dont you think it'll be fun?"

"Nope, I dont" *rolls eyes*
"I want to say again, its just YOU and your testing of society's limits cos you just have been too goodey good and law abiding. SO having late stage of rebelling."

So up to this point, we had walked until Far East and I got my Yuan Yang and soon after we boarded the bus.

If she had her way, I guess, its going to be a day to remember then.

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