Monday, May 10, 2010

Week at a glance

So nothing much else very exciting happening. Just feeling stoned. I have finished the lessons for today. Instead of 3 periods today, I got 4 cos of a make-up due to some events in the week.

Then in one of my free periods, I walked over quickly to dabao lunch. Cos for the next 1.5 weeks, shortened lunch of 35mins. It meant cant really walk out and eat. Also today we missed the bento lady so didnt order. Tried to call but nobody picked up. See how things go tomorrow. Maybe more dabaoing in the days to come.

My own lessons with a class is starting this week. Meaning I am the only teacher instead of the current assisting teacher. Its once a week on wed. So have to keep the fingers crossed and see how it goes. So far I have printed out and prepared the stuff needed. Sometimes I already found the resources, left printing out, which I try to do when I have too much free time on certain days. So far no marking load, few ws to make etc. Hope it remains so.

Got to remember to run a few errands this week, pick up my altered pants from P.S, pick up photocopied teacher's resources, go for gym and try 3 times due to weight yo-yo-ing, Iron more working clothes, tidy up clothes, PRACTICE guitar and memorise the songs cos evaluation coming.

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