Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My energy level is very low

That's how I feel on most working days.

Battery flat, uncommitted, demotivated.

I look forward to each day only cos of the stock market, am keen to invest.

I hate to have to do deadlines on such short notice, I hate to wake up earlier to have to go in earlier for training or meetings. I hate to have to work non-stop through all my free periods. I hate to have to continue this for another day.

On the other hand,

I want to play my guitar, need to practice this tough part. I want to sit infront of my laptop and monitor stock prices, I want to read the wave theory book in the afternoon instead of late at night and end up falling asleep with the lights on, I want to go visit my bro, I want to go JB and do shopping and massage, I want to go swimming more often, I want to go for jap class without being so tired, I want to stay home to rest, I want to play my PS games.

That's really two conflicting list of things.

The consolation is its mid week after today. Just a little bit more to go. Though the first and last week of the June holidays are not for Educators to rest, still have to and made to go to work daily, in much earlier and longer hours too. Where is the logic? Signz.

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